Our wholesale activities include all the activities related to the goods and services sales, including distribution and transportation of products at all levels.
Regional distribution companies operate in 11 regions of Slovakia; they ensure the distribution of magazines and newspapers, cigarettes, accessories for direct sale and operate the TABAK PRESS retail chain at the same time..
B2B ordering system serves for the electronic communication with our clients; in addition to detailed descriptions of products, the system supports other functions, which will enhance your experience with the goods ordering process. It´s without saying, that the system provides online access to your delivery notes and invoices 24/7 with the option to view your order history.
The ordering system www.ggtshop.sk offers among others options like fast ordering, order importing through pre-arranged assembly, sorting, filtration, product categorisation, similar product suggestions, current inventory and similar.
Online ordering system for clients with higher demands with approval process offers besides simple goods ordering few other benefits: